Wednesday, October 30, 2019

UAE Labor Law and Relations Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

UAE Labor Law and Relations - Essay Example center of a far-reaching controversy with the government and private employers being accused of exploiting underpaying and generally mistreating workers (Kanna 147). The Industry in question in most cases is the construction industry; it is worth noting that in the UAE, there are over 500,000 foreign workers who are tasked with the construction of the world famous skyscrapers and breathtaking architectural wonders that have turned cities like Dubai into Meccas of building engineering (Shaoul). The immigrant workers make up to 95% of the labor on the building sites may of them from East Asia, India, the Philippines and North Africa. Controversy has riddled the industry since it has been frequently claimed that employees are forced to work under inhuman conditions that border slavery (Forstenlechner, Madi, Selim and Rutledge 412). The immigrant laborious are often forced to pay back their travelling expenses at incredibly high interests rates and their passports taken away on arrival s o they cannot leave or look for a different job. Ironically, on paper, the labor laws are relatively progressive on paper and they protect all workers local or immigrant from being exploited or abused by their employers. Nevertheless, this is rarely implemented and in most cases, even when the governments may force employers to restitute or compensate employees for damages and/or loss of life there are very few cases of employers having legal action taken against them irrespective of the gravity of their crimes to the staff. It is estimated that over 800 hired workers die on the job for a variety of reasons ranging from exhaustion, sunstroke, suicide and myriad more courses. In as far as compensation is concerned; the employee is entitled to a basic wage which according to the law is the total sum monies paid as stipulated in the labor contract not inclusive of allowances for accommodation or travel. Their total wage on the other hand is the amount paid when they have been provided

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Scenario Of Family Business Management Information Technology Essay

Scenario Of Family Business Management Information Technology Essay A family business is a business in which one or more members of one or more families have a significant ownership interest and significant commitments toward the business overall well-being. In some countries, many of the largest publicly listed firms are family-owned. A firm is said to be family-owned if a person is the controlling shareholder; that is, a person (rather than a state, corporation, management trust, or mutual fund) can garner enough shares to assure at least 20% of the voting rights and the highest percentage of voting rights in comparison to other shareholders. Family businesses may have owners who are not family members. Family businesses may also be managed by individuals who are not members of the family. However, family members are often involved in the operations of their family business in some capacity and, in smaller companies, usually one or more family members are the senior officers and managers. Many businesses that are now public companies were family businesses. Family participation as managers and/or owners of a business can strengthen the company because family members are often loyal and dedicated to the family enterprise. However, family participation as managers and/or owners of a business can present unique problems because the dynamics of the family system and the dynamics of the business systems are often not in balance. PROBLEMS IN FAMILY BUSINESSMANAGEMENT The interests of a family member may not be aligned with the interest of the business. For example, if a family member wants to be president but is not as competent as a non-family member, the personal interest of the family member and the well being of the business may be in conflict. The interests of the entire family may not be balanced with the interests of their business. For example, if a family needs its business to distribute funds for living expenses and retirement but the business requires those to stay competitive, the interests of the entire family and the business are not aligned. Finally, the interest of one family member may not be aligned with another family member. For example, a family member who is an owner may want to sell the business to maximize their return, but a family member who is an owner and also a manager may want to keep the company because it represents their career and they want their children to have the opportunity to work in the business. . For example, if a family needs its business to distribute funds for living expenses and retirement but the business requires those to stay competitive, the interests of the entire family and the business are not aligned. Finally, the interest of one family member may not be aligned with another family member. For example, a family member who is an owner may want to sell the business to maximize their return, but a family member who is an owner and also a manager may want to keep the company because it represents their career and they want their children to have the opportunity to work in the business. SCENARIOS OF FAMILY BUSINESS MANAGEMENT But balancing competing interests often become difficult in three situations. The first situation is when the founder wants to change they are involved in the business. Usually the founder begins this transition by involving others to manage the business. Involving someone else to manage the company requires the founder to be more conscious and formal in balancing personal interests with the interests of the business because they can no longer do this alignment automatically-someone else is involved. The second situation is when more than one person owns the business and no single person has the power and support of the other owners to determine collective interests. For example, if a founder intends to transfer ownership in the family business to their four children, two of whom work in the business, how do they balance these unequal differences? The four siblings need a system to do this themselves when the founder is no longer involved. The third situation is when there are multiple owners and some or all of the owners are not in management. Given the situation above, there is a higher chance that the interests of the two sons not employed in the family business may be different than the interests of the two sons who are employed in the business. Their potential for differences does not mean that the interests cannot be aligned, it just means that there is a greater need for the four owners to have a system in place that differences can be identified and balanced. SUCCESS OF FAMILY BUSINESS MANAGEMENT Successfully balancing the differing interests of family members and/or the interests of one or more family members on the one hand and the interests of the business on the other hand require the people involved to have the competencies, character and commitment to do this work. Often family members can benefit from involving more than one professional advisor, each having the particular skill set needed by the family. Some of the skill sets that might be needed include communication, conflict resolution, family systems, finance, legal, accounting, insurance, investing, leadership development, management development, and strategic planning. INNOVATIVE TRENDS IN FAMILY BUSINESS MANAGEMENT . There are three major trends among the most innovative family business management that together will have a strong impact on wealth holders and the providers to these families: Develop new sources of knowledge. Family business continuously gather practical information from a wide variety of sources. As a result, much of the information these families receive comes from providers of products and services, who have a commercial motive. To further complicate matters, products and advice are often bundled together, with free services subsidized by the revenues generated from other components of the package. Unsurprisingly, the most complex and/or illiquid offerings tend to have the highest embedded costs. Family business management increasingly supplement these sources of information through peering communicating with each other to compare experiences and solutions.At its best, this is a global exercise in which family business actively seek to learn from their peers around the world. Leading families recognize that local networks must be supplemented to ensure that they access more than a location-specific consensus shared by those who, for example, live in the same place, share the same social network, or rely upon the same sources of information. Unbundle, measure, and innovate. The most sophisticated family business recognize that products, platforms, and advice, are fundamentally distinct. They are creating customized solutions from select providers in each category, rather than accepting a bundled offering from a single source. This unbundling allows for more accurate measurement of the value provided by each component. This in turn allows family business management to see new areas of opportunity and to swap out only the individual components that are not working according to specific performance criteria. While trust remains paramount, the foundation of trust is shifting to be based on competence and track record rather than simply a personal relationship. The most enduring relationships are being built upon informed trust, which requires a clear understanding of the way a providers business works. Family business are increasingly focused on measuring inputs and outputs. This means that they are paying closer attention to the transaction costs of interm ediation and actively seeking to calibrate economic incentives to better align costs with value. This requires a nuanced understanding of the inner workings of products and services so that meaningful benchmarks and cross-comparisons can be established. The most sophisticated families consider both absolute and relative value, using peer-based benchmarks as an input to their evaluations. Pursue opportunities globally. The inputs that family business use to create their solutions increasingly come from all over the world, not just their home countries. This trend is a direct result of the two trends described above. Family business have both the means and the incentives to invest in understanding foreign markets and practices. The empirical case for doing so is strong, particularly when local knowledge can be applied to less efficient markets. In addition to globalizing their portfolios, family business increasingly seek opportunities from direct investments. Family business are pursuing returns through country-specific direct investments, such as real estate or private equity, which require a greater level of due diligence and commitment (and offer greater potential rewards). These investments are often made in partnership with other sophisticated private investors who have relevant expertise in co-direct investment or club investing arrangements. The pervasive changes underway in the family busin ess market reinforce each other. Increased knowledge leads to better analysis of a wider set of opportunities, and this allows investors to unbundle and measure, so that they can be more creative in devising comprehensive, global solutions. The more innovation that occurs in the market as a result of this creativity, the greater the additional knowledge creation and sharing.While the effects of this shift are now being felt. STRUCTURING OF FAMILY BUSINESS MANAGEMENT When the family business is basically owned and operated by one person, that person usually does the necessary balancing automatically. For example, the founder may decide the business needs to build a new plant and take less money out of the business for a period so the business can accumulate cash needed to expand. In making this decision, the founder is balancing his personal interests (taking cash out) with the needs of the business (expansion). ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE Organizational structure defines the roles and activities required of people in order to meet the objectives of the business. The structure should also help people accomplish their own career and personal goals. Concern with motivation and communication should influence the organizational structure. In defining an organizational structure, the manager has four objectives in mind: (1)- division of tasks, (2)- coordination of efforts and tasks among people and enterprises, (3)- control over the way in which tasks are performed and (4)- flow of information. To accomplish these four objectives, the manager must decide the positions to be filled and the duties, responsibilities and authority attached to each position. PRINCIPLES AND CONCEPTS OF ORGANIZING Regardless of the specific characteristics of a horticultural business, some principles of organizing will be helpful. These principles have two uses. First, they are helpful in the actual design of the organizational structure. Second, they can serve as a check list for evaluating and improving the current organizational structure. EXCEPTION PRINCIPLE Someone must be available to handle the exceptions to the usual, i.e., someone must be in charge. When an employee or worker has a problem he or she can not handle, the organizational structure should provide for someone higher in the organization to provide assistance. DECENTRALIZATION Decisions should be pushed down to the lowest level possible in the organization. The more routine a decision, the lower the level in the organization where it should be handled. To illustrate, workers waiting each morning to be told what to do and where to do it can be a great waste of manager and worker time. Workers having a routine not requiring daily instruction, and workers being trained to handle with confidence decisions within their job descriptions illustrate decentralization. The objective is to overcome the waste of time stemming from too much centralization of decision making. Working managers rather than managed workers should be the goal. PARITY PRINCIPLE Decentralization requires delegation. With delegation comes responsibility. Authority should be delegated along with responsibility. To illustrate, assume the 18 year old son of the owner of a landscape firm has been given the responsibility of taking a crew of 3 people, each over 25 years old, to a landscaping site to plant 5 trees and 30 bushes. Further assume that the son has no authority to decide how hard it has to be raining before the crew stops working, no authority to correct a person who is digging the holes for the trees and bushes too deep and no authority to reward the crew member who is doing by far the best job. It is easy for the 3 workers to ignore the son if they have been accustomed to taking orders only from the owner and the owner has given the workers no indication of what authority the son does and does not have. SPAN OF CONTROL The span of control is the number of people a manager supervises. The organizational decision to be made is the number of subordinates a manager can effectively lead. The typical guideline is a span of control of no more than 5-6 people. However, a larger span of control is possible depending on the complexity, variety and proximity of jobs. The ability, experience and style of the manager also affects the desirable span of control. Finally, worker characteristics should affect the span of control. Well trained, motivated, experienced and satisfied workers require relatively little supervision. Owner/operators of family businesses often have span of control problems because of a me attitude. As a family business grows and people are added, the manager still may want everyone reporting to her rather than delegate responsibility and authority to a middle manager. UNITY PRINCIPLE Ideally, no one in an organization reports to more than one supervisor. Having more than one supervisor causes an employee relatively few problems if the supervisors have good coordination and frequent communication. However, supervisors typically lack the time for the necessary coordination and communication. Too often, employees get conflicting instructions and assignments. Employees should not have to decide which of their supervisors to make unhappy because of the impossibility of following all the instructions given them. OWNERSHIP STRUCTURE There is no one family or ownership structure; it have family businesses that are owned by one sole owner. When it comes to the second generation, most of them turn into a sibling partnership with very few but strong owners who hold large shares in the company. In the next generation, it come to a cousin federation and maybe one day we are a family dynasty like Haniel or Wendel. Each stage has its own problems. It must understand the stage you are at, asking the right questions and giving the right answers relevant to that stage. The transition from one stage to another creates a crisis because, in the next generation, you have different questions and you have to give different answers. If you understand that there is a crisis and find the right answers, this crisis may create a chance. Owner strategy starts, like every strategy, with some simple key questions: what is our vision, what is the mission statement we have as owner family. More specific questions for owner families include the following: who can become a member of the owner group. From whom can member groups inherit their shares  and to whom can they sell shares? How do we want to deal with in-laws and the next generation Emotions must be dealt with effectively when managing a family business and managing a family that owns a business. Successful families are families who are better at addressing emotional problems and then solving them. Values and aims must be clarified if any group wants to be successful. This helps prevent conflict when making decisions. Knowing the company goals and the family aims is important otherwise, a family cannot determine whether it is successful or not. In successful family businesses, strategies will change, but the values remain very stable over generations. BUSINESS STRUCTURE This is the business model follow. It often starts with the entrepreneurial stage and then it turns to a traditional and classical family business. There are several different business models and each family should address some essential questions when choosing the correct one. Do we want to be a more focused or more diversified owner family? How do we want to influence the business? Do we want to run it or just control it? Do we want only to act as owners and let outside people control it? How should we manage the owner family so that we maintain family unity and commitment? New Ideas We must formulate a family code that is sensitive to new membership values, aims and a changing business model. Family Education All the owners should know what it means to own a family business, and what  professional ownership means. Emotion-Added Value It is important to come together and have family days so that you have the chance to enjoy being a member of the group. Family Office You may want to start a family office and do family philanthropy together. FUNDS AND INVESTMENT STRUCTURE With a dedicated funds, investment and tax team, including lawyers with corporate, tax and trust experience, we are able to provide the targeted investment structuring advice on which family offices depend. leading investment managers and fund managers, to ensure that private investments are designed and structured to mitigate taxation and provide the greatest opportunity for returns. LEGAL RISK STRUCTURE Risks from many directions, including legal liability, risk of investment loss or devaluation, compliance failure, tax and property law change, security (this includes risks to property and person) family dissension, divorce and indiscretion. The mitigation and balancing of risk in all its forms is of paramount importance for many family business management. Wealthy families and family members are faced with many legal and investment challenges, and increasing regulatory scrutiny. These issues become more acute in the case of multi-generational families with members based in various countries who have international asset holdings Another key risk for clients is breach of confidentiality, especially in a world where the Internet means information anywhere is information everywhere.. It is possible to reduce such risks by the use of appropriate structuring and third party contracts but these measures should be taken when the office is established. If a breach occurs our Reputation Management team can help. . These include the offices of substantial international families with assets and family members in numerous countries, as well as more traditional families with large landed estates or entrepreneurial interests. Theses point should be consider: Conducting an audit of various substantial wealth-holding structures, to ensure they were watertight from a fiduciary and tax perspective. Undertaking a major review of the trust and asset structures of a large international family with international assets. One of the main purposes was to identify potential areas of risk for the family and take measures to safeguard against such risks going forward. CONCLUSION To conclude , we can say that this was the aforesaid explained report on innovative family business. Main facts that are dicussed in study are 1 meaning of family business management 2 current scenario 3 Type of structure for family business management 4 problems 5 innovative trends in family business management After studying all the above given study it is been very clearly understood that family business structure is one of the very common structure of business structure that is been used worldwide. As every business structure has its scenario, advantages , disadvantages, problems, and its new and emerging trends, it is similarly applied here. We can say that family business management is a trend that has been followed for years. Innovative method could be used for more flexibility in family business. RECOMMENDATIONS 1 overcome the internal dispute 2 proper engagement of all members 3 follow the structure that is bet suited to ones business 4 proper management 5 go as by the time. 6 properly implementing the strategy BIBLIOGRAPHY AND REFRENCES http// http// http// Astrachan, J. and Shanker, M. (2003). Family Businesses Contribution to the U.S. Economy: A Closer Look. Family Business Review, Vol. 16, No. 3, pp. 211-219. Colli, A. (2003). The History of Family Business, 1850 2000. Economic History Society. Chua, J., Chrisman, J., and Sharma, P. (1999). Defining the Family Business by Behavior. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice Vol. 23, No. 4, pp. 19-39. Davis, J., Pitts, E., and Cormier, K. (1997). Challenges Facing the Family Companies .

Friday, October 25, 2019

World Populations And Development :: essays research papers

World Populations and Development 1.) The Neolithic and Industrial Revolutions The two changes in the use of the earth's resources that had the greatest effect on the world population were the neolithic and the industrial revolutions. The neolithic revolution (a.k.a. agricultural revolution) was a change in the way of life of our ancestors. It took place about 8000 years ago among various tribes in Asia and the Middle East. It included a transition from foraging and hunting to the domestication of animals (most probably starting with the dog) and to farming. Tribes settled in fertile areas and formed agricultural communities many of which grew into villages and cities. This relatively stable way of life and the more reliable food supply (and surplus) led to the development of new professions, to labor specialization and ultimately to the stratification of these societies. Improved conditions of life led to somewhat longer life spans. Nevertheless population growth remained low due to high infant mortality rates. The impact of the neolithic revolution was not as much on immediate population growth (even though it did have a long term impact on population growth) as on the material and spiritual development of the human race. It is widely regarded as the beginning of civilization. Industrial revolution was another process of change. It was the process of substituting muscle power with machine power. It took place in the 18th century in Europe and is still happening in many parts of the world. In many characteristics it has been similar to the neolithic revolution: it increased production, it led to the use of resources that had been mostly unused until then and it improved the overall quality of life. It also led to changes in the structure of society. What was different, was its impact on population growth. It was quick and easily noticeable. Advanced sanitation, hygiene and medicine led to longer life spans and declining death rates, with the birth rates remaining high. This resulted in a high rate of population growth that still continues in many countries. The information revolution is the process of change that began in the second half of the 20th century in the developed countries of the world. It is the process of substituting "brain power" with "machine power". It leads to increased production and has the potential to create a more even distribution of the world's population on the surface of the earth. It also has the potential to decrease the differences between the less developed and the highly developed nations of the world. Then again it also has the potential to increase those differences. It causes changes in the structure of society.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Ethnic Identity and African Americans Essay

Ethnic identity is the sum total of group member feelings about those values, symbols, and common histories that identify them as a distinct group (Smith 1991). Development of ethnic identity is important because it helps one to come to terms with their ethnic membership as a prominent reference group and significant part of an individuals overall identity. Ethnic reference group refers to an individuals psychological relatedness to groups (Smith 1991). These reference groups help adolescents sense, reflect and see things from the point of their ethnic groups in which they actively participate or seek to participate. What is ethnic identity? The establishment of identity is an important, complex task for all adolescents, and is considered a major developmental task for all adolescents. It is particularly complicated for adolescents belonging to ethnic and minority groups. Ethnic identity of the majority group of individuals is constantly validated and reinforced in a positive manner where as the minority group is constantly ridiculed and punished in a negative manner. What does this say for those adolescents who are the minority and not the majority? It is important to study or research ethnic identity because it provides better knowledge to help one understand striving for a sense of unity and connectivenesss in which the self provides meaning for direction and meaning of ethnic identity (Spencer, 1990). It is also important to study or research the differences between these groups due to beliefs and values. Adolescents that are the minority are confronted with their ethnicity at an earlier age then Caucasian adolescents majority and they are constantly aware of ethnic differences, which means it is of greater importance to understand the development of the minority individual. It should lead to different assessments when it comes to ethnic identity. For example, African American adolescents are psychologically compared to Caucasian American adolescence diagnoses, which are sometimes inaccurately assessed. Bronfenberner explains the theoretical perspective such as the ecological perspective by saying, The implications for clinical treatment of African American adolescents, mental health workers must be sensitive to the ecological context of their clients. Mental Health workers must realize that there is no single entity called the black family . The black families compared to the other families established their American family. He suggests that these families vary dramatically in backgrounds, social economic status, values, and degree of acculturation to the norms and values of mainstream America (1990). There are also, significant differences that may exist in preparation of African American adolescent, at the level of rearing family practices and in schools (1990). That is, schools continue to reflect historical values that deal with racial-stereotypes and prejudice and beliefs. At the same time there are families trying to avoid and make light out of such situations. These families and communities continue to show constancy by instilling their own beliefs and values through child rearing which maybe different from Caucasian Americas. Identity and ethnicity as adolescent issues Identity has been defined in many ways. It is the concept used to describe an individual’s sense of who he or she is (Dashefsky and Shapiro, 1976). Changes in identity occur throughout the life cycle, however, the changes in identity are usually most notable during adolescence. Integrating a positive sense of ethnic identity into one’s overall personal identity is an important task of late adolescence (Steinberg, 1996). Ethnic identity has been defined as the aspect of one’s sense of identity concerning ancestry or racial group membership (Steinberg, 1996). Ethnic identity development is an essential human need because it provides a sense of belonging and historical continuity. Ethnic socialization Minority children are confronted with their ethnicity at an earlier age than their majority counterparts (Smith, 1991). Parents can help to speed up the early stages of ethnic identity development by taking an active approach to ethnic socialization. Ethnic socialization, according to Steinberg(1996), refers to the process through which parents teach their children about their ethnicity and about the certain experiences they may have with the broader society. Ethnic socialization consists of three themes: 1) understanding one’s own culture, 2) getting along in mainstream society, and 3) dealing with racism (Steinberg, 1996). Possible outcomes of ethnic identity development. There are four ways to deal with ethnicity (Steinberg, 1996):  ·Assimilation–adopting the cultural norms of the majority while rejecting the norms of one’s own culture.  ·Separation–rejecting the majority culture and associating only with members of one’s own culture.  ·Marginality–living within majority culture but feeling estranged.  ·Biculturalism–maintaining ties to both cultures. According to Steinberg (1996) many believe that biculturalism is more successful than the other four. With biculturalism minority youth have access to the norms of the majority and minority culture depending on the situation. References  ·Smith, Elise J. Ethnic Identity Development: Toward the Development of A Theory within the Context of Majority/Minority Status. Journal of Counseling and Development: JCD. v70. n1. Sept. 1991. p. 181-188.  ·Spencer, Margaret Beale. Child Development. v61 n2. Apr. 1990. P. 290-310.  ·Dashefsky, A. (Eds. ). (1976). Ethnic identity in society. Chicago: Rand McNally College Publishing Co. Smith, E. J. (1991). Ethnic identity development: Toward the development of a theory within the context of majority/minority status. Journal of Counseling and Development, 70, 181-187.  ·Steinberg, L. (1996). Adolescence. New York: McGraw-Hill, Inc.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Family Nursing Diagnoses Essay

Conducting a family assessment is a challenging and important step in the care of the client. It is essential to identify problems and situations inhibiting a family from practicing healthy behaviors and developing healthy habits to thrive in the home and community. Identifying problems then deciding the family nursing diagnosis and planning interventions beneficial to the family is the next step in the client’s care. Three Family Nursing Diagnoses The three family nursing diagnoses identified to assist SS and her family are anxiety related to several short- and long-term stressors, delayed growth and development related to CS’s handicaps, and chronic pain related to SS’s rheumatoid arthritis. These nursing diagnoses were most appropriate for this family. Healthy People 2020 Indicator The indicator chosen that links to the nursing diagnoses mentioned above is social determinants (â€Å"Healthy People 2020†, 2012). This indicator is relevant to the identified family nursing diagnoses because of numerous reasons. CS has a disorder that has caused him to have developmental delays and numerous health issues. He reports getting bullied at school periodically, is in special needs classes, and will not be able to live independently. The indicator is also relevant because of the number of stressors SS has identified through the family assessment that affects the family’s lives daily. Researching information on Healthy People 2020 and  specifically the social determinants indicator reveals that assisting the client and her family with healthy behaviors, physical activity, assistance with dealing with stress-related issues leads the family to being successful members of the community and being successful in tasks necessary for improved health and longer life expectancy. Linking the indicator to the family nursing diagnoses will also provide the family with strategies to deal with school, community, and workplace issues that are barriers to accomplishments within the family. Opportunities for Community Health Nursing Interventions One opportunity where I can make a positive impact with community health nursing interventions would be providing a lecture at CS’s high school about bullying. This would be beneficial for students in many high school communities. The lecture should include information about why children bully each other, strategies for how to deal with bullies, and why bullying is wrong. Another way to influence in a positive way is provide SS and her family ways to deal with the issues that cause the most stress in the family, whether it is financial concerns, time management issues, or health concerns. Conducting family meetings to share responsibilities for chores around the house, making the children aware of what can be afforded monetarily month to month, and ensuring the family is keeping regular health check ups are a few techniques that may be beneficial. Making sure SS is aware and takes advantage of workplace assistance for a variety of reasons is another opportunity to make a posit ive impact on her family and on the social determinant indicator. Health Education Topics There are a number of topics related to health education that would be beneficial to SS and her family as well as any community. One topic SS may find helpful deals with emotional wellness, which is a subject I have spent time discussing with SS and her family. Finding a balance between everything going on in one’s life, such as school, work, sports, or other activities is necessary in protecting emotional health. Another topic relates to stress, which is another area of concern for SS. There are different levels of stress and they can be short-term and long-term  stressors as SS has identified within the family assessment. Stress does not have to be bad, but how to deal with it is what makes the difference. Developing and learning coping strategies are helpful in managing stress. Here is where the emphasis in education should be. Nutrition and physical activity is another health education topic beneficial for everyone. SS’s oldest son who is in college could be a target of this topic, as college students are not known to have healthy eating or sleeping habits. Diet teaching and assistance with developing a physical activity plan would be a focus of the education (â€Å"Health Education Center†, n.d.). Conclusion A family assessment is a vital step in diagnosing what potential problems and areas for improvement a client may have. Evaluating aspects of the family unit including family history, support system, stressors, and social structure will aid in determining and prioritizing the family diagnoses. Family involvement in decision-making of what diagnoses to conquer and intervention planning will help the success of the plan. What is learned through the family can help develop topics the general public could be educated on and benefit from. References Health Education Center. (n.d.). Retrieved from Healthy People 2020. (2012). Retrieved from Nursing Diagnosis List. (2012). Retrieved from Stanhope, M. (2012). Public Health Nursing: Population-Centered Health Care in the Community (8th ed.). Retrieved from The University of Phoenix eBook Collection. Family Assessment I. Family Demographics a) Family Name-Sindle b) Family Composition-mother, 3 sons c) Type of family form (single parent) d) Cultural Background-English, German, and Cherokee†¦.great., great,  great grandmother was Cherokee Indian e) Religious Affiliation-Baptist and Presbyterian f) Social Class Status-low income class g) Family’s recreational or leisure-time activities-soccer, 2 of 3 boys very involved with soccer teams. Watching movies, riding bikes. II. Developmental Stages and family history a) Family’s present developmental stage-one child in college, one in high school and one in middle school. Mom taking classes part-time to earn nursing degree. b) Nuclear Family History-SS’s parents are originally from Franklin, NC. Mother is of English and German descent and dad is English and Cherokee Indian. I II. Environmental Data a) Characteristics of home-reside in a 2 story home in a single-family dwelling subdivision. Approximately 300 homes in the neighborhood. b) Characteristics of neighborhood and larger community- There is a community park with a small playground used for gatherings. They have neighborhood watch in their subdivision. Gloucester is considered a rural community. It has a large shopping center that has a Walmart, Home Depot, Lowes, Applebees, Chick-fil-a, Pizza Hut, McDonalds, Hardees and Wendy’s. Several churches of various denominations, one free medical clinic, a wellness center, one small hospital, a boys and girls club, several parks with baseball fields, soccer fields, and playground equipment. Family-owned shops on main street with restaurants and banks, a bookstore and antique stores. Volunteer fire stations and rescue squads throughout the county. c) Family’s Geographic mobility- SS was born and raised in Williamsburg, VA. Lived in Tappahannock, VA for a year and then moved to Gloucester, VA where she have resided for 25 years. Her sons have lived in Gloucester since they were born. d) Family’s associations and transactions with community- Her boys participate in parks and rec activities. They go bowling as a family and to the movies occasionally. Attend annual Daffodil festival that is held in the community every spring. e) Family’s social support network-SS has aunts, uncles and a few friends that help out sporadically. Her two youngest boys go to Florida every summer to spend time with their grandparents. SS sees her work environment and peers as a support system as well. Her oldest  child has a support system through his soccer teammates and friends at college. IV. Family Stress and Coping a) Short and long-term familial stressors and strengths: Short term- SS is trying to finish classes so she can start nursing school. Also trying to balance work and school and getting children where they need to go for activities. Long term- son (CS) with special needs-what will he do after he graduates high school in 2 years. Has Williams Syndrome and has cognitive and developmental delays. Finances. Getting oldest son through college. Single parent (children’s father passed away in 2009, he and SS were divorced prior to that). SS has recently been diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis. CS’s health-worry about his cardiac issues as he gets older, hypertension, and GI issues. b) Extent of family’s ability to respond, based on objective appraisal of stress-producing situations- This family has been able to respond to the stressors that have been placed on them relatively well. They have had their ups and downs, but are a very close family and they rely heavily on ea ch other and help each other out. SS’s sons are very protective of their mother. c) Coping Strategies Utilized by all members of family-They work together as a family to get things accomplished. The boys have had to grow up quick. Working through one issue at a time. Make time for fun and for the 2 boys to participate in soccer. V. Family Functions a) Family’s need-response Patterns (affective function)- Very close knit family. They watch out for each other always. They go to soccer games together as a family to watch the 2 boys play. Take at least 2 family vacations each year with SS’s parents. Watch a lot of family movies together. Watch professional sports on TV. b) Socialization Function (child rearing practices, who is socializing agent for children, cultural beliefs that influence family’s child-rearing patterns)- SS is primary socializing agent. Discipline for bad behavior depends on what the infraction is, ranges from no TV to no friends over for bad grades or if school work not completed. c) Adequacy of home environment for children’s needs to play- have a large fenced-in backyard with an above-ground swimming pool. Pool table, ping-pong table. Bikes, soccer net  and balls, tennis rackets, TV room with xbox 360, DVD player, Computers. d) Health care function-SS has health insurance through her employer. Middle child now 18 and qualifies for Medicaid. The family sees a physician yearly for physicals. CS sees many different specialists. JS has frequent bouts of strep throat which makes him miss several school days each year. SS sees a rheumatologist for her RA.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Definition and Examples of Lexicography

Definition and Examples of Lexicography Lexicography is the process of writing, editing, and/or compiling a dictionary.  An author or editor of a dictionary is called a lexicographer. The processes involved in the compilation and implementation of digital dictionaries (such as Merriam-Webster Online)  is known as  e-lexicography. The fundamental difference between lexicography and linguistics, says Sven Tarp, is that they have two completely different subject fields: The subject field of linguistics is language, whereas the subject field of lexicography is dictionaries and lexicographic works in general (Beyond Lexicography in  Lexicography at a Crossroads, 2009).In 1971, historical linguist and lexicographer Ladislav Zgusta published the first major international handbook on lexicography, Manual of Lexicography, which remains the standard text in the field. Etymology: From the Greek, word write Pronunciation: LEK-si-KOG-ra-fee Beginnings of English Lexicography The beginnings of English lexicography go back to the Old English period . . .. The language of the Roman Church was Latin; its priests and monks needed to be competent in Latin in order to conduct services and to read the Bible . . .. As English monks studied these Latin manuscripts, they would sometimes write the English translation above (or below) a Latin word in the text, to help their own learning, and as a guide to subsequent readers. These one-word translations, written between the lines of a manuscript, are called interlinear glosses; they are seen as the beginnings of (bilingual) lexicography. (Howard Jackson, Lexicography: An Introduction. Routledge, 2002) Samuel Johnson (1709-1784) and English Lexicography I am not yet so lost in lexicography, as to forget that words are the daughters of earth and that things are the sons of heaven.(Samuel Johnson)[Samuel] Johnson was not only innovative in his use of 114,000 citations to prove his definitions and the usage of words and connotations. He also noted the author who had first used a word or collocation and who had last used an obsolete word. He also took the liberty of adding prescriptive commentaries whenever there was doubt about usage.(Piet Van van Sterkenburg, A Practical Guide to Lexicography. John Benjamins, 2003) English Lexicography in the 20th Century In the English language area, the lexical orientation has long remained historical. The first edition of the Concise Oxford Dictionary, by H.W. and F.G. Fowler, dates from 1911 and leans heavily on [James] Murrays New English Dictionary on Historical Principles [later renamed the Oxford English Dictionary]. It was also due to the fact that the first supplement to the OED was published in 1933 and the second was in preparation from 1950 onwards, to be published in four thick volumes under the general editorship of Robert Burchfield. Incidentally, that supplement did include swear words, sexual terms, colloquial speech etc.Innovations in the English lexicography were to be seen in the dictionaries by Longman and Collins, based on contemporary corpora of electronic texts and anchored entirely in a database structure. . . .In 1988, the first edition of the OED was made available on CD-ROM and the second edition in 1992.(Piet van Sterkenburg, The Dictionary: Definition and History. A Prac tical Guide to Lexicography, edited by Piet Van Sterkenburg. John Benjamins, 2003) Crowdsourcing and Contemporary Lexicography Websites such as those for Urban Dictionary and Wiktionary . . . offer what is known as bottoms include Twittersphere, sexting, cyberstalking and captcha. . . . Such shout-outs are the antithesis of traditional lexicography. . . . If the dictionary-maker is a humble archivist while the lexicon is being created, they become a deityor at least a cut-rate Mosesonce it appears and becomes a source of supposedly trustworthy information. . . .Letting in the street will end no worlds but will it improve the quality of dictionaries? Form as ever faces off content. The form can be democratic as all hell, but in lexicon-land, surely the content is what matters. . . .Reference should be online. The opportunities for presentation, for breadth of information and for sophisticated searches that would be impossible in a print dictionary are too good to miss. But if reference is to remain useful then it cannot become amateur hour. (Jonathon Green, Dictionaries Are Not Democratic. The Observer, September 13, 2012) The Lighter Side of Lexicography LEXICOGRAPHER, n. A pestilent fellow who, under the pretense of recording some particular stage in the development of a language, does what he can to arrest its growth, stiffen its flexibility and mechanize its methods. (Ambrose Bierce, The Devils Dictionary, 1911)

Monday, October 21, 2019

How to Build a Rocking Author Media Kit a 7-Step Template

How to Build a Rocking Author Media Kit a 7-Step Template How to Build a Rocking Author Media Kit: a 7-Step Template This post was last updated 9/28/2018.Picture this: you’ve just self-published a book and are gaining some traction in your publicity rounds. Then, out of the blue, a journalist asks you for a headshot, bio, and sell sheet.Don’t panic. By the time you're done with this post, you'll be ready to compile an all-purpose key to book publicity: your author media kit. A good media kit is one of the most straightforward ways to win over the press and everyone else who matters during your publicity rounds: book reviewers, bloggers, and indie bookstores.So how can you build a kit that you can use in all aspects of your book marketing efforts? We spoke to our professional book publicists to answer all your questions about author media kit templates.What is an author media kit?In a nutshell, an author media kit is an assortment of information for anyone who wants easy access to further details about you and your book.Think of an author media kit as a dynamic business card on your we bsite. â€Å"Media kits indicate that you are a serious author with a book that deserves to be considered,† says Hannah Hargrave, an award-winning book publicist. She’s worked with celebrities like Goldie Hawn and has helped to launch the careers of first-time authors.â€Å"Taking the time to collate all your resources - and formatting them in a useful, clear way - will make a journalist’s life easier and get them on your side. It’s also a lot simpler to send a link to your media kit than to attach several large documents to a pitch email,† she says. The author media kit: an all-purpose dynamic business card for you and your book! Testimonials / reviewsKeep it all on one page, and make it as polished as possible. Think of it as a slick resumà ©, but for your book.Tip: For a professionally-designed sell sheet, consider reaching out to a designer for a quote.7. Book ExcerptOne more chance to intrigue your audience. Hannah suggests not including the whole book. â€Å"I find it’s best to include the first few pages, or the opening chapter,† she says, since that should already be enough to draw in an audience.Congrats! Now that you’ve finished your author media kit, you’re probably wondering: what do I do with it?What next?First, make sure your kit looks professional and polished. People will take you only as seriously as you take yourself.Then, put your author media kit up on your website. â€Å"Perhaps have a dedicated press page, or include it on your website’s ‘About Me’ page for anyone who wants further information,† Hannah recommends. â€Å"If you recei ve any queries from journalists, include a link to your media kit in any reply.†Here are three more tips for the road:Label each of your files appropriately. â€Å"There’s nothing more frustrating than to have to open a Word doc titled â€Å"media kit† and scroll through pages of content to find an excerpt or your talking points,† says Dalyn.Take a look at other authors’ media kits. â€Å"Most have links on their websites,† says Hannah. â€Å"This will give you a good idea of what authors with comparable titles useful. You’ll also see how professional, clear, and concise the information included is, too.†Keep your kit up-to-date. If you publish another book, circle back to your kit and update it with all the new details.If this seems like a lot of work to you, consider reaching out to a book publicist. There's no real replacement for their experience and insight: they're not only experts at creating a media kit, they’ll a lso be instrumental in getting your kit - with a pitch and press release - to the right people and media outlets. Publicists also have access to a huge database of contacts and know how to speak to them. And, of course, it’s entirely possible to go about it alone, as some self-published authors have successfully done. It might be a grind, but a great author media kit on your side will make it that much easier.Have any more tips for building author media kits? We'd love to hear them. Leave any thoughts in the comments below!

Sunday, October 20, 2019

9 English Words You Might Not Know Have Spanish Origins - ProofreadMyEssays Academic Blog

9 English Words You Might Not Know Have Spanish Origins - ProofreadMyEssays Academic Blog 9 English Words You Might Not Know Have Spanish Origins It is Cinco de Mayo soon, so we thought it was about time to look at some English words drawn from Spanish. While some words have obviously Spanish origins, like â€Å"churro† or â€Å"fiesta,† we’re going to focus on terms you might not realize have Hispanic roots. Incidentally, will someone please remind us to throw a â€Å"churro fiesta† soon? It sounds like it would be an awesome/delicious party. 1. Creepy Crawlies: â€Å"Cockroach† Nobody likes to think about roaches if they dont have to, so you might not have considered where the term â€Å"cockroach† comes from. But the English as we know it is a version of the Spanish word cucaracha, which spread during colonial times. Pretty, aint he? [Photo: Sharadpunita] Lots of other animals get their names from Spanish too, including the alligator (el lagarto), the albatross (alcatraz), and mosquitoes (the diminutive of mosca, meaning â€Å"fly,† with mosquito literally meaning â€Å"little fly†). Given this range of beasties, it’s almost a shame the word â€Å"menagerie† is French. 2. Culinary Delights: â€Å"Chocolate† and â€Å"Cannibal† OK, so maybe this one isn’t so surprising. Chocolate comes from cocoa, after all. And the Spanish â€Å"chocolate† is itself borrowed from the Aztec word xocolatl. Sweet, Aztec deliciousness [Photo: SKopp] But there’s still an impressive number of American English words for foodstuffs that come from Spanish, including â€Å"banana,† â€Å"potato,† â€Å"jerky† and â€Å"tuna.† In case all this has made you hungry, it might be worth noting that â€Å"cannibal† also comes from the Spanish caribal. Which is a decidedly less delicious etymological claim. 3. Windy Weather: â€Å"Hurricane† and â€Å"Breeze† The term â€Å"El Nià ±o† clearly has Spanish origins, but did you know that other weather words do too? â€Å"Hurricane,† for instance, is adapted from the Spanish huracan, while â€Å"breeze† comes from the Old Spanish briza. Come to think of it, it probably makes sense that the language of a nation known for exploring the world in sail boats has a lot of words for different kinds of wind. When youre being shipwrecked, its important to know the type of storm youre going to die in. 4. Wild West: â€Å"Cowboy† and â€Å"Ten-Gallon Hat† If you ask around the world, most people would agree that there’s no image more American than a cowboy sipping Coca-Cola. They would therefore be surprised to find out that â€Å"cowboy† is originally a direct translation of the Spanish vaquero. Coca Colas advertising department seems to agree. Plenty of other Wild West words have Spanish origins too, including â€Å"ranch,† â€Å"rodeo† and â€Å"bronco.† Our favorite has to be â€Å"ten-gallon hat,† which is named after a mishearing of the Spanish word galà ³n, meaning â€Å"braid,† rather than anything to do with its capacity to hold water. 5. Literary Contributions: â€Å"Quixotic† and â€Å"Lothario† As well as words borrowed from Spanish, American English uses some words inspired by Spanish writers. The brilliant-but-deluded title character of Miguel de Cervantes’ Don Quixote, for instance, gave us the word â€Å"quixotic,† meaning â€Å"hopeful but impractical.† With Don Quixote and Sancho Panza, Cervantes prefigured the buddy movie. Another lesser-known term spawned by the same novel is â€Å"lothario,† which means â€Å"a man whose chief interest is seducing women.†

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Racial Tension Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Racial Tension - Research Paper Example ere are countries such as South Africa that have formed policies of positive action and empowerment that only aims to the black without attending to the needs of the white (Grunsell, 203). The claims of white discrimination have been through the several murders of white farmers in those countries. Investigations have however thrown away the argument as they think that the murder have been through motivations in robbery rather than the thought racial tension. Some whites due to racial tension have tried to rewrite history. There was once a claim that blacks were the main cause of apartheid. This shows the extent that there have been racial discrimination and all that was thought to be bad in the old times were linked to the blacks. In some of the countries such as South Africa, racial tension has been seen to grow as a result of economic stagnation in the country. In these economies, there is higher rate of unemployment that is mostly linked to the blacks. The economic growth has been too higher to reduce the rate of unemployment in the blacks. In such countries the level of unemployment continues to rise in blacks while the white are still privileged and are given the first opportunities in the job sector. Racism is blamed for these occurrences. Many whites see the privileges that they have and the policies that favor them and despite the wealth that they have. They see the black as those that are not exposed to any privilege in job sec tor (Grunsell, 209). After the blacks receiving democracy in most of their countries, there still has been ruling by the whites. Studies that have been carried out have brought out the fact that there is a belief that the whites and the blacks will be difficult to come to trust each other. Policies that have been put forward to solve the issues of racism have failed as there are overpowered by the mistrust that occur between the two groups. In the current situation there is the situation of racial tension all over the world. There

Friday, October 18, 2019

Sports injuries Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Sports injuries - Research Paper Example Although most people do not lose their consciousness, there is a tendency to forget events prior to or immediately after concussions. In some cases, individuals sustaining concussions simply feel confused. A concussion may not be life-threatening, but it can have very serious effects on an individual’s health (Cornell University). The symptoms of concussion are rare to notice. In most cases, it is difficult to tell if someone has sustained concussion especially if there are no bruises on the head. However, there are some signs that manifest in most patients who have sustained concussion. Some of the physical signs include nausea, vomiting, persistent headaches, dizziness, high sensitivity to light, blurred vision, tiredness, and balance problems. Some of the emotional signs include sadness, anxiety, bad mood, and unusually high temper. Young children with concussions can develop prolonged headaches, cry more than usual, change the way they act or play, develop sad mood, and lose interest in their usual activities. They can also lose new skills such as toilet training. In addition, they can have trouble while walking or even lose their balance. Moreover, they can easily be upset or lose their tempers (Cornell University). The long-term effects of concussions depend on the severity of the injury, subsequent treatment, and the age of the athlete. Concussions caused by severe injuries often take very long periods to heal. Similarly, untreated symptoms of concussions may take a long period to subside. Additionally, very young athletes take more time than adults to recover from concussions (Cornell University). Second impact syndrome occurs mostly in young athletes, particularly the ones under the age of 18. It usually arises when an individual sustains a concussion before recovering completely from a prior brain injury. The second concussion interrupts cerebral blood flow, subsequently triggering vascular engorgement, herniation of the brain, and increased

Disaster Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Disaster Management - Essay Example For this paper, we tracked disasters in different provinces/cities to be able to draw conclusion on the hazards, impact and vulnerability of these cities, and to recommend measures in mitigating and being prepared when such disasters strike. Data of disasters that happened in Ontario and Quebec for 1993 up to 2010 were obtained from Most common disasters in these areas based on the data gathered are floods, forest fires and storms/snowstorms. Other disasters that struck the area are chemical fire, train collision, tornado, snow avalanche, aircraft and bus accident, chemical release, epidemic and mine collapse. In Quebec, flooding happened every year since 1992 until 1996. These resulted to deaths, loss of homes and jobs, disruption of classes, washing out of roads and bridges and electricity cut-off. As a low lying area, Quebec has been vulnerable to floods. The government devised a plan to combat this via various infrastructures like construction and operation of a water retention reservoir, construction of a sill, consolidation and enhancement of existing dikes and implementation of an upgraded flood forecasting system as reported in Fisheries and Oceans Canada.

A Year In The South(BOOK) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

A Year In The South(BOOK) - Essay Example What follows then is a compelling story of hope, despair and tribulations during the collapse of the confederacy and the raise of a new south to show, that the end of the civil war impacted heavily across all persons from different backgrounds and classes. The end of the civil war brought with it an overwhelming financial crisis. Poverty was widespread and all the southerners were undergoing a turbulent time in making their ends meet. In the book, Cornelia was one of the vast refugees who fled as a result of lack of food during the civil war era (Brown, p.4). Even in her new home, Lexington Virginia, she still had to struggle to obtain food for herself and her seven children. In public she casts herself as a cheerful and jovial figure but when alone she says that she would, â€Å"go up the stairs and throw myself on my knees and cry to God for food† (Ash, p.167). Louis Hughes, on the other hand, is a freed slave battling to gain independence and self-sufficiency for him and his family by envisioning that the end of the war would mark his independence together with the other slaves. He thus engages in the business of selling tobacco plugs within the slave community. The business was booming at the beginning, but with the collaps e of the confederate authority in the state he says that his, â€Å"happy interlude† came to an end (Ash, p.28). Besides the economic downturn caused by the confederate war, Steven V. Ash also manages to capture the social, as well as the political turmoil that were taking shape upon the demise of the confederate south. Samuel Agnew, being the son of a minister and later a minister himself, was exempt from conscription into the confederate military. However, towards the end of the war Agnew is forced to accept the political changes that were taking place in the south. He was forced to accept the freedom of all slaves who toiled in his

Thursday, October 17, 2019

The Face of Battle Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

The Face of Battle - Essay Example I’ve been through two wars and I know. I’ve seen cities and homes in ashes. I’ve seen thousands of men lying on the ground, their dead faces looking up at the skies. I tell you, war is Hell! General Sherman had seen war up close and his admonition rings horribly true, and bears the ring of truthfulness gained through his heart experiences. However, the knowledge of the actual experience of war that most people have gained is most likely through secondhand exposure by way of literature or newspaper accounts or military histories. In his book â€Å"The Face of Battle" John Keegan, a respected military historian and lecturer on war at the Royal military Academy at Sandhurst, attempts to put a human face upon the experience of war in ways perhaps never attempted before. The purpose of his book is to describe experience of war, the most extreme of all human experiences, for those who have not experienced it firsthand. Paradoxically, Keegan himself is strictly in an academic who has had no personal experience of war himself, but only knows it secondhand through readings and personal information gained from relatives. Keegan points out in the poignant and illuminating introduction to the books main thesis that the writing of history there has been a paucity of descriptions of war which can give to a reader any sort of realistic and visceral understanding of the process and all of its horrible mechanisms. In his overview of the worlds literature on war he shows that almost all writings on the subject can be pigeonholed into a number of distinct categories. They can either be described as poetic and imagistic, desiccated and academic, wholly inaccurate and useless for gaining understanding, vague and confusing, too temporal, local and subjective, and perhaps worst of all of a self-serving. For a prime example of the poetic and imagistic style of the war literature the author provides a spectacular example written by General Sir William Napier concerning a

Criminal Justice (Probation & Parole) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Criminal Justice (Probation & Parole) - Essay Example However, prison authorities over the years have continued to utilize this labor to their advantage by selling work force to privately owned manufacturing companies, a fact that has attracted a lot of criticism in the past. This is done through contracting and leasing. The contract system of exploiting convict labor for example involved the entering into a deal by prison authorities, with private industries such as garment manufacturers who paid money to the state so that they can be allowed to use prisoners as their laborers (Lichtenstein, 2000). It was considered to be an unfair process especially since these prisoners were subjected to normal or even worse working conditions than workers outside prisons, but were hardly compensated for their efforts. Prison facilities were used as premises for conducting these activities meaning that contactors had to supply the prisons with necessary raw materials and equipment as well as supervisors to oversee the production processes. The convict lease system on the other hand involved letting prisoners out of the prisons during the day to go and work for private companies, and then return them to their cells in the evening (Lichtenstein, 2000). Some of the companies that participated in this arrangement included and not limited to miners, rail and road constructors and large scale farmers among others. As with the contract system, convicts in this system worked for free leaving the state and the businesses to enjoy the fruits of their labor. This form of arrangement came to being mainly after the liberation and banishing of slave trade, which left companies with a huge deficit in their work force. In the US for example, it is believed that this system started in Texas at around the year 1883 but after constant criticism, especially due to the inhumane treatment of convict laborers by their masters, it was abolished in the

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

The Face of Battle Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

The Face of Battle - Essay Example I’ve been through two wars and I know. I’ve seen cities and homes in ashes. I’ve seen thousands of men lying on the ground, their dead faces looking up at the skies. I tell you, war is Hell! General Sherman had seen war up close and his admonition rings horribly true, and bears the ring of truthfulness gained through his heart experiences. However, the knowledge of the actual experience of war that most people have gained is most likely through secondhand exposure by way of literature or newspaper accounts or military histories. In his book â€Å"The Face of Battle" John Keegan, a respected military historian and lecturer on war at the Royal military Academy at Sandhurst, attempts to put a human face upon the experience of war in ways perhaps never attempted before. The purpose of his book is to describe experience of war, the most extreme of all human experiences, for those who have not experienced it firsthand. Paradoxically, Keegan himself is strictly in an academic who has had no personal experience of war himself, but only knows it secondhand through readings and personal information gained from relatives. Keegan points out in the poignant and illuminating introduction to the books main thesis that the writing of history there has been a paucity of descriptions of war which can give to a reader any sort of realistic and visceral understanding of the process and all of its horrible mechanisms. In his overview of the worlds literature on war he shows that almost all writings on the subject can be pigeonholed into a number of distinct categories. They can either be described as poetic and imagistic, desiccated and academic, wholly inaccurate and useless for gaining understanding, vague and confusing, too temporal, local and subjective, and perhaps worst of all of a self-serving. For a prime example of the poetic and imagistic style of the war literature the author provides a spectacular example written by General Sir William Napier concerning a

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

ECON 5110 HISTORY OF ECONOMIC THOUGHT Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

ECON 5110 HISTORY OF ECONOMIC THOUGHT - Essay Example He maintained that the amount of money held was determined by institutional arrangements of the economy and could be treated as a constant on ceteris paribus assumptions (Barber 187). According to Marshall, despite the state of society, there was a certain amount of resources, people of various classes kept in form of currency, and if all remained same, there was a relation between volume of money and price levels. If one increased by five percent, the other would also increase by five percent. In the seventeenth century, many writings on economic policies by businesspersons and merchants existed. These were arguing in favour of policies that supported them. However, despite the biasness, some economists like Francis Bacon and Rene Decartes showed subtle and careful analysis. This seventeenth century economic thinking in England was mercantilist as typified by the doctrine of balance-of-trade. Irrespective of the actual aim of these writers, their doctrines were used to support protectionist interests rather than general economic interest that would be important to the whole economy. Compare to the neoclassical economist whose policies focused on general price levels, output, and income distribution, these economists were more

Monday, October 14, 2019

Marketing Strategies and Marketing Management Styles

Marketing Strategies and Marketing Management Styles INTRODUCTION: MEANING OF MARKETING AND MARAKETING MANAGEMENT: Marketing as a business function will change with the movement of products and service from the producer to the user. Ability to sell at a profit is the critical test. The marketing system that delivers out high standards of living consists of many large and small companies seeking success. Many factors contribute to making a company successful great strategy, dedicated employees, good information system and excellent implementation. Many peoples minds are stereotyped fixed that large companies operating in highly developed economies use marketing involves with inside outside the Organization Swat Analysis. Any large small scale organization can build in. MARKETING: Marketing has often been described as the as of selling products. But people are surprised when they hear that the most important part of marketing is not selling! Selling is only the tip of the marketing iceberg. Marketing is a societal process by which individuals and groups obtain what they need and want through creating, offering, and freely exchanging products and services of value with others. Marketing is a social and managerial process by which individuals and groups obtain what they need and want through creating and exchanging products and values with others. It is an integrated process through which companies create value for customers and build strong customer relationships in order to capture value fro customers in return. Marketing is used to create the customer, to keep the customer and to satisfy the customer. With the customer as the focus of its activities, it can be concluded that marketing management is one of the major components of business management. The evolution of marketing was caused due to mature markets and overcapacities in the last decades. Companies then shifted the focus from production more to the customer in order to stay profitable. The term marketing concept holds that achieving organizational goals depends on knowing the needs and wants of target markets and delivering the desired satisfactions.[It proposes that in order to satisfy its organizational objectives, an organization should anticipate the needs and wants of consumers and satisfy these more effectively than competitors. MARKETING MANAGEMENT: Marketing is the process of planning and executing the conception, pricing promotion, and distribution on ideas, goods, and services to create exchanges that satisfy individual and organizational goals. Marketing management is a business discipline which is focused on the practical application of marketing techniques and the management of a firms marketing resources and activities. Marketing managers are often responsible for influencing the level, timing, and composition of customer demand accepted definition of the term. In part, this is because the role of a marketing manager can vary significantly based on a business size, corporate culture, and industry context. For example, in a large consumer products company, the marketing manager may act as the overall general manager of his or her assigned product. From this prospect it consists of 5 steps, beginning with the market environment research. After fixing the targets and setting the strategies, they will be realized by the marketing mix in step 4. The last step in the process is the marketing controlling. Marketing management design effective, cost-efficient implementation programs, firms must possess a detailed, objective understanding of their own business and the market in which they operate. In analyzing these issues, the discipline of marketing management often overlaps with the related discipline of strategic planning. Definitions: Market: A market consists of all the potential customers sharing a particular need or want to might be willing and able to engage in exchange to satisfy that need or want. Marketing: The term Marketing has been defined in various ways by different marketing management experts. These definitions can be group in two major categories namely classical or old definitions and modern definitions. Marketing is the performance of business activities that directs the flow of goods and services from produces to consumers or users. AMERICAN MARKETING ASSOCIATION Marketing is social and managerial process by which individuals and group obtain what they need and what through creating, offering and exchanging the products of value with orders. Marketing is defined by the American Marketing Association as the activity, set of institutions, and processes for creating, communicating, delivering, and exchanging offerings that have value for customers, clients, partners, and society at large. The term developed from the original meaning which referred literally to going to a market to buy or sell goods or services. Seen from a systems point of view, sales process engineering views marketing as a set of processes that are interconnected and interdependent with other functions, whose methods can be improved using a variety of relatively new Approaches Marketing Management Marketing management is the process of planning and executing the conception, pricing, promotion and distribution of ideal goods and services to create exchanges that satisfy individual and organizational objectives. What is marketing channel and its work:- Most producers do not sell their products directly to the final users between them stands a set of intermediaries performing a variety of functions. These intermediaries constitute a marketing channel (also called a Trade channel and Distribution channel). Marketing channel are sets interdependent organizations involved in the process of making a product or service available for use or consumption. Marketing channel decisions are among the most critical decisions. The companys prices depend on whether it uses mass merchandisers or high quality boutiques. The firms sales force and advertising decisions dependent on how much training and motivation dealers need. Marketing. Several definitions have been proposed for the term marketing. Each tends to emphasize different issues. Memorizing a definition is unlikely to be useful; ultimately, it makes more sense to thinking of ways to benefit from creating customer value in the most effective way, subject to ethical and other constraints that one may have. The 2006 and 2007 definitions offered by the American Marketing Association are relatively similar, with the 2007 appearing a bit more concise. Note that the definitions make several points: A main objective of marketing is to create customer value. Marketing usually involves an exchange between buyers and sellers or between other parties. Marketing has an impact on the firm, its suppliers, its customers, and others affected by the firms choices. Marketing frequently involves enduring relationships between buyers, sellers, and other parties. Processes involved include creating, communicating, delivering, and exchanging offerings. Delivering customer value: The central idea behind marketing is the idea that a firm or other entity will create something of value to one or more customers who, in turn, are willing to pay enough (or contribute other forms of value) to make the venture worthwhile considering opportunity costs. Value can be created in a number of different ways. Some firms manufacture basic products (e.g., bricks) but provide relatively little value above that. Other firms make products whose tangible value is supplemented by services (e.g., a computer manufacturer provides a computer loaded with software and provides a warranty, technical support, and software updates). It is not necessary for a firm to physically handle a product to add value-e.g., online airline reservation systems add value by compiling information about available flight connections and fares, allowing the customer to buy a ticket, forwarding billing information to the airline, and forwarding reservation information to the customer. It should be noted that value must be examined from the point of view of the customer. Some customer segments value certain product attributes more than others. A very expensive product-relative to others in the category-may, in fact, represent great value to a particular customer segment because the benefits received are seen as even greater than the sacrifice made (usually in terms of money). Some segments have very unique and specific desires, and may value what-to some individuals-may seem a lower quality item-very highly. Some forms of customer value. The marketing process involves ways that value can be created for the customer. Form utility involves the idea that the product is made available to the consumer in some form that is more useful than any commodities that are used to create it. A customer buys a chair, for example, rather than the wood and other components used to create the chair. Thus, the customer benefits from the specialization that allows the manufacturer to more efficiently create a chair than the customer could do him or herself. Place utility refers to the idea that a product made available to the customer at a preferred location is worth more than one at the place of manufacture. It is much more convenient for the customer to be able to buy food items in a supermarket in his or her neighborhood than it is to pick up these from the farmer. Time utility involves the idea of having the product made available when needed by the customer. The customer may buy a turkey a few days before Thanksgiving without having to plan to have it available. Intermediaries take care of the logistics to have the turkeys-which are easily perishable and bulky to store in a freezer-available when customers demand them. Possession utility involves the idea that the consumer can go to one store and obtain a large assortment of goods from different manufacturers during one shopping occasion. Supermarkets combine food and other household items from a number of different suppliers in one place. Certain superstores such as the European hypermarkets and the Wal-Mart super centers combine even more items into one setting. Marketing Strategy: Once the company has obtained an adequate understanding of the customer base and its own competitive position in the industry, marketing managers are able to make key strategic decisions and develop a marketing strategy designed to maximize the revenues and profits of the firm. The selected strategy may aim for any of a variety of specific objectives, including optimizing short-term unit margins, revenue growth, market share, long-term profitability, or other goals. To achieve the desired objectives, marketers typically identify one or more target customer segments which they intend to pursue. Customer segments are often selected as targets because they score highly on two dimensions: The segment is attractive to serve because it is large, growing, makes frequent purchases, is not price sensitive (i.e. is willing to pay high prices), or other factors; and The company has the resources and capabilities to compete for the segments business, can meet their needs better than the competition, and can do so profitably. In fact, a commonly cited definition of marketing is simply meeting needs profitably. Marketing environment: The term marketing environment relates to all of the factors (whether internal, external, direct or indirect) that affects a firms marketing decision-making or planning and is subject of the marketing research. A firms marketing environment consists of two main areas, which are: Macro environment: On the macro environment a firm holds only little control. It consists of a variety of external factors that manifest on a large (or macro) scale. These are typically economic, social, political or technological phenomena. A common method of assessing a firms macro-environment is via a PESTLE (Political, Economic, Social, Technological, Legal, and Ecological) analysis. Within a PESTLE analysis, a firm would analyze national political issues, culture and climate, key macroeconomic conditions, health and indicators (such as economic growth, inflation, unemployment, etc.), social trends/attitudes, and the nature of technologys impact on its society and the business processes within the society. Micro environment: A firm holds a greater amount (though not necessarily total) control of the micro environment. It comprises factors pertinent to the firm itself, or stakeholders closely connected with the firm or company. A firms micro environment typically spans: Customers/consumers, Employees, Suppliers, The Media. By contrast to the macro environment, an organization holds a greater degree of control over these factors. Elements of the environment: The marketing environment involves factors that, for the most part, are beyond the control of the company. Thus, the company must adapt to these factors. It is important to observe how the environment changes so that a firm can adapt its strategies appropriately. Consider these environmental forces: Competition: Competitors often creep in and threaten to take away markets from firms. For example, Japanese auto manufacturers became a serious threat to American car makers in the late 1970s and early 1980s. Similarly, the Lotus Corporation, maker of one of the first commercially successful spreadsheets, soon faced competition from other software firms. Note that while competition may be frustrating for the firm, it is good for consumers. (In fact, we will come back to this point when we consider the legal environment).Note that competition today is increasingly global in scope. It is important to recognize that competition can happen at different levels. At the brand level, two firms compete in providing a very similar product or service. Coca Cola and Pepsi, for example, compete for the cola drink market, and United and American Airlines compete for the passenger air transportation market. Firms also face less direct-but frequently very serious-competition at the product level. For example, cola drinks compete against bottled water. Products or services can serve as substitutes for each other even though they are very different in form. Teleconferencing facilities, for example, are very different from airline passenger transportation, but both can bring together people for a meeting. At the budget level, different products or services provide very different benefits, but buyers have to make choices as to what they will buy when they cannot afford-or are unwilling to spend on-both. For example, a family may decide between buying a new car or a high definition television set. The family may also have to choose between going on a foreign vacation or remodeling its kitchen. Firms, too, may have to make choices. The firm has the cash flow either to remodel its offices or install a more energy efficient climate control system; or the firm can choose either to invest in new product development or in a promotional campaign to increase awareness of its brand among consumers. Marketing mix: In the early 1960s, Professor Neil Borden at Harvard Business School identified a number of company performance actions that can influence the consumer decision to purchase goods or services. Borden suggested that all those actions of the company represented a Marketing Mix. Professor E. Jerome McCarthy, at the Michigan State University in the early 1960s, suggested that the Marketing Mix contained 4 elements Product, price, place and promotion. Product: The product aspects of marketing deal with the specifications of the actual goods or services, and how it relates to the end-users needs and wants. The scope of a product generally includes supporting elements such as warranties, guarantees, and support. Pricing: This refers to the process of setting a price for a product, including discounts. The price need not be monetary; it can simply be what is exchanged for the product or services, e.g. time, energy, or attention. Methods of setting prices optimally are in the domain of pricing science. A number of modes of pricing techniques exist, which span: Elasticities (whether Price Elasticity of Demand, Cross Elasticity of Demand, or Income Elasticity of Demand) Market skimming pricing Market penetration pricing Placement: This refers to how the product gets to the customer; for example, point-of-sale placement or retailing. This third P has also sometimes been called Place, referring to the channel by which a product or service is sold (e.g. online vs. retail), which geographic region or industry, to which segment (young adults, families, business people), etc. also referring to how the environment in which the product is sold in can affect sales. Promotion: This includes advertising, sales promotion, including promotional education, publicity, and personal selling. Branding refers to the various methods of promoting the product, brand, or company. These four elements are often referred to as the marketing mix, which a marketer can use to craft a marketing plan. The four Ps model is most useful when marketing low value consumer products. Industrial products, services, high value consumer products require adjustments to this model. Services marketing must account for the unique nature of services. Definition of Feasibility Studies: A feasibility study looks at the viability of an idea with an emphasis on identifying potential problems and attempts to answer one main question: Will the idea work and should you proceed with it? Before you begin writing your business plan you need to identify how, where, and to whom you intend to sell a service or product. You also need to assess your competition and figure out how much money you need to start your business and keep it running until it is established. Feasibility studies address things like where and how the business will operate. They provide in-depth details about the business to determine if and how it can succeed, and serve as a valuable tool for developing a winning business plan. Important of the feasibility: The information you gather and present in your feasibility study will help you; List in detail all the things you need to make the business work; Identify logistical and other business-related problems and solutions; Develop marketing strategies to convince a bank or investor that your business is worth considering as an investment; Serve as a solid foundation for developing your business plan. Even if you have a great business idea you still have to find a cost-effective way to market and sell your products and services. This is especially important for store-front retail businesses where location could make or break your business. For example, most commercial space leases place restrictions on businesses that can have a dramatic impact on income. A lease may limit business hours/days, parking spaces, restrict the product or service you can offer, and in some cases, even limit the number of customers a business can receive each day. Description of the Business: The product or services to be offered and how they will be delivered. Market Feasibility: Includes a description of the industry, current market, anticipated future market potential, competition, sales projections, potential buyers, etc. Technical Feasibility: Details how you will deliver a product or service (i.e., materials, labor, transportation, where your business will be located, technology needed, etc.). Financial Feasibility: Projects how much start-up capital is needed, sources of capital, returns on investment, etc. Organizational Feasibility: Defines the legal and corporate structure of the business (may also include professional background information about the founders and what skills they can contribute to the business) Market Feasibility: Includes a description of the industry, current market, anticipated future market potential, competition, sales projections, potential buyers, etc. Discusses how the business can succeed. Be honest in your assessment because investors wont just look at your conclusions they will also look at the data and will question your conclusions if they are unrealistic. Feasibility studies contain comprehensive, detailed information about your business structure, your products and services, the market, logistics of how you will actually deliver a product or service, the resources you need to make the business run efficiently, as well as other information about the business. Marketing Feasibility Study: The purpose of the Marketing Feasibility Study is to determine the suitability of this property for profitable development, and to define optimal products and amenities in accordance with projected market demand, and to project sales absorption and annual revenues from development of this property. Things to Include in a market feasibility study include: Description of the Industry Current Market Analysis Competition Anticipated Future Market Potential Potential Buyers and Sources of Revenues Sales Projections NEED FOR THE STUDY: To know about marketing feasibility. To know what are elements covered in marketing feasibility of SUZLON INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES LIMITED. To identify how marketing feasibility impacts on the success of company. The basic need for the study is to known the consumer demand, through customer competition in the market and other environment factor, to observe the market relative to infrastructure service allowance terms of credit distribution mechanism system. the base needs for the study is to know the company position, company profile and customer satisfaction towards suzlon infrastructure service limited. SCOPE OF THE STUDY: The study is mainly concentrates on wind turbine generators only. The present study has been taken to understand marketing feasibility towards wind turbine generators. The sample size was 50 customers only The study was undertaken only in Andhra Pradesh branches its scope of limited. The present study has been taken to understand the customer satisfaction towards suzlon infrastructure service limited in major places in Andhra Pradesh. OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY: To know whether the companies have knowledge on renewable energy, are they knowing the benefits of wind turbine generator and to find there willingness to buy the product. To know the marketing feasibility of SUZLON INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES LIMITED To know the feasibility of selling wind turbine generator. To identify how the buyers response towards turbine generators in SUZLON INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES LIMITED. To observe the advertising methods whether those are suitable to SUZLON INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES LIMITED or not. To offer suggestions to the SUZLON INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES LIMITED related to improve the marketing feasibility. METHODOLOGY: RESEARCH DESIGN: The research design is mainly exploratory in nature as it involves researching the demand potential for the existing product. METHOD OF DATA COLLECTION: PRIMARY DATA: The method for data collection was primarily by way of survey conducted in industries and big organization using an appropriate questionnaire. SECONDARY DATA: No secondary data is interpreted, since the survey its self enough to find the market potential. Since the product is not in the survey region and other region data will not suitable for a wind generator. SAMPLING METHODS: Sample size was required to be a size of 50 respondents in and around Hyderabad, Other districts of A.P. As the consumers were mainly industries and big organization consumers, method of convenient sampling was chosen. LIMITATIONS OF THE STUDY: The survey was conducted in and around of Hyderabad city and other states of A.P. Convenience sampling was used, which is non-probability sampling method Respondents were apprehensive and expressed reservation in giving information on the communication infrastructure and also on the future needs. Research was restricted to time limit. Time is the major constraints, which reduces the sample size. INDUSTRY PROFILE A wind turbine is a machine for converting the kinetic energy in wind into mechanical energy. It the mechanical energy is used directly by machinery, such as a pump or grinding stones, the machine is usually called a windmill. If the mechanical energy is then converted to electricity, the machine is called a wind generator. Wind machines were used for grinding grain in Persia as early as 200 B.C. This type of machine spread throughout the Islamic world and were introduced by Crusaders into Europe in the 13th century. By the 14th century Dutch windmills were in use to drain areas of the Rhine River delta. In Denmark by 1900 there were about 2500 windmills for mechanical loads such as pumps and mills, producing an estimated combined peak power of about 30 MW. The first windmill for electricity production was built in Denmark in 1890. and in 1908 there were 72 wind-driven electric generators from 5 kW. The largest machines were on 24 m towers with four-bladed 23m diameter rotors. By the 1930s windmills were mainly used to generate electricity on farms, mostly in the United States where distribution systems had not yet been installed. In this period, high tensile steel was cheap, and windmills were placed atop pre-fabricated open steel lattice towers. A forerunner of modern horizontal-axis wind generators was in service at Yalta, USSR in 1931. This was a 100 kW generator on a 30 m tower, connected to the local 6.3 kV distribution system. It was reported to have an annual load factor of 32 percent, not much different from current wind machines. In 1941 the worlds first megawatt-size wind turbine was connected to the local electrical distribution system on Grandpas Knob in Castleton, Vermont, USA. This 1.25 MW Smith-Putnam turbine operated for 1100 hours before a blade failed at a known weak point, which had not been reinforced due to war-time material shortages. In the 1940, the U.S. had a rural electrification project that killed the natural market for wind-generated power, since network power distribution provided a farm with more dependable usable energy for a given amount of capital investment. In the 1970s many people began to desire a self-style. Solar cells were too expensive for small-scale electrical generation, so practical people turned to windmills. At first they built ad-hoc designs using wood and automobile parts. Most people discovered that a reliable wind generator is a moderately complex engineering project, well beyond the ability of most romantics. Practical people began to search for and rebuild farm wind-generators from the 1930s. Jacobs wind generators were especially sought after. Later, in the 1980s, California provided tax rebates for ecologically harmless power. These rebates funded the first major use of wind power for utility electricity. These machines, gathered in large wind parks such as at Altamont pass would be considered small and un-economic by modern wind power development standard. In the 1990s, as aesthetics and durability became more important, turbines were placed a top steel or reinforced concrete towers. Small generators are connected to the tower on the ground, and then the tower is raised into position. Larger generators are hoisted into position atop the tower and there is a ladder or staircase inside the tower to allow technicians to reach and maintain the generator. Originally wind generators were built right next to where their power was needed. With the availability of long distance electric power transmission, wind generators are now often on wind farms in windy locations and huge ones are being built offshore, sometimes transmitting power back to land using high voltage submarine cable. Since wind turbines are a renewable means of generating electricity, they are being widely deployed, but their cost is often subsidized by taxpayers, either directly or through renewable energy credits. Much depends on the cost of alternative sources of electricity. Wind generator cost per unit. Power generation from wind has emerged as one of the most successful programmes in the renewable energy sector, and has started making meaningful contributions to the overall power requirements of some States. Energy is a major input for overall socio-economic development. Use of fossil fuels is expected to fuel the economic development process of a majority of the world population during the next two decades. However, at some time during the period 2020-2050, fossil fuels are likely to reach their maximum potential, and their price will become higher than other renewable energy options on account of increasingly constrained production and availability. Therefore, renewable are expected to play a key role in accelerating development and sustainable growth in the second half of the next century, accounting then to 50 to 60% of the total global energy supply. After the creation of a separate Ministry in 1992, special emphasis was given in the Eighth Plan to generation of grid quality power from renewable. The total installed capacity of power from renewables today stands at nearly 1350 MW with contribution from wind power of nearly 1000 MW. Wind power installations worldwide have crossed 8500 MW producing about 14 billion KWh of energy annually. A total capacity of about 5500 MW has been installed in Europe, 1700 MW in USA, and 992 MW in India. India is now the fourth largest wind power generator in the world after Germany, USA and Denmark. The State of the World 1998, a world-watch Institute Report on progress toward a sustainable society, released earlier this year, has noted that renewable energy production in the world is expanding rapidly. Wind generation is the fastest growing energy source in this decade and is expanding at 25% per year. The Report recognizes India as a new Wind Superpower. With declining trend of cost and increase in the scale of wind turbine manufacturing, wind promises to become a major power source globally in the first few decades of the new millennium. MNES (Ministry of Non-conventional Energy Sources) are implementing the worlds largest wind resource assessment programme, which forms the backbone of their wind exploitation efforts. Preliminary estimates indicate a potential of about 20,000 MW. Scientific surveys are being intensified to identify specific viable and potential sites. A recent study undertaken to re-assess the potential, places it at about 45,000 MW. Assuming a grid penetration of 20%, a technical potential of about 9,000 MW is already available for exploitation in the potential States. 160 sites have so far been identified in 13 States. Survey work is in progress in 24 States / UTs. The States of Rajasthan and West Bengal have also shown wind potential recently. Today, we have a wind power installed capacity of 992 MW in the country, out of which about 940 MW is accounted fo